BTL - Volume 6 - Teaching 173

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VI - Teaching 143 - 174 
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Book of True Life - Volume 6

Teaching 173:

1. You are no longer little children on the spiritual path, you are developed souls Do you know what "spiritualist" means? I will tell you in a short sentence: spiritualist means "disciples of the HolySpirit".

2. You will all be great if you attain true humility, if you practice true love. As long as wickedness exists in your hearts, you will not win the high reward I have promised you. That is why I teach, correct and purify you in the clear waters of the river of life, so that you may become worthy to come to Me.

3. I will lovingly correct your errors, will lift you up when you fall, and comfort you in your sufferings. I will not allow you to perish, and I will never leave you. I will lead you by the hand along the path to perfection until you arrive in my kingdom. If you have not watched - I have watched. My mercy and my grace are with you so that you may turn in love to the other peoples of the earth. I have taught you to offer pleasing worship to my divinity. I have manifested myself in word through your minds, through intuition and through revelation. I have also spoken to you through my spiritual world. In all your trials, pains, and vicissitudes I have proved myself as a Father.

4. From all worlds, from all heavens I have received tribute. But when I turned my gaze to this planet, I searched all sects and religious communities and yet I received only pain and out-sourced cults, which are no longer appropriate for this time. But I pour out my grace and love on all and accept the good seed. I have (also) turned my gaze to my spiritualist people and I have also found your worship of God imperfect.

5. I have made myself known to you through the human mind to show you the right way and have told you: spiritualize, renounce all unnecessary things. I want to free you from idolatry, fanaticism, materialism, by eliminating traditions and rites through my teachings. For you have added to my teaching something of your former customs, have brought into it the traditions and rituals that are rooted in your hearts and are the heritage of your ancestors.

6. You are the Israelite people to whom I speak through the human organ of the mind, so that after 1950 you may commune with me from Spirit to Spirit and teach the world true worship

7. Prepare your children, for they are the generations of tomorrow who will set out to sow my truth without mixing with fanaticism or idolatry.

8. How great and beautiful is my teaching, and how far is it from all superfluous things! Fathom it, lest you fall into fanaticism. The time will come when you will be able to understand it fully and reach the beyond with your thoughts. How beautiful it will be when you have attained this spirituality!

9. Then you will realize that your backlog was great, although you had the greatest Master among you. Then you will also understand the reason for so many trials, purifications and afflictions.

10. Fear not the world, lighten its way by the light of your Spirit, dematerialize it and deliver it from its sin.

11. I do not put you into classes; these differences disappear when you are with me. I do not humiliate the one who is well dressed, for he does not intend with his clothing to humiliate the others. I honor the poor and set him beside the one whom he has always regarded as superior, and from this spiritual union I make true brotherhood arise, giving the same word to all of you. For just as a soul of low maturity can exist in a scholar, so can a great soul exist in a simple man. But this is recognized only by me. Therefore, I invite all races and tribes to hear the same Word so that you may all be disciples of the HolySpirit.

12. The year 1950 will come, but my spiritual world will not separate from you. It will no longer have access to your mind organ, but it will continue to protect and inspire you. I will speak through the mouth of those who are equipped. I will pave the way for you to go out and bring the Good News to the people. Since you have made contact with your Father and with your spiritual brethren - how could you not cross lands and seas to make contact with your brethren of other races and of other tongues? I will give you the authority and the universal language for this, which is love.

13. I want you to be a clear mirror, an example worthy to be taken as an example. I do not want you to be another sect on earth. I want you to be the safe haven for the shipwrecked, the star for the lost in the desert, the tree for the exhausted and exhausted wanderer.

14. To help you in the fulfillment of your task, I bless you, beloved people I see the desire with which you come together and wait for my word. You do not want to miss one of my teachings, for in them you find the nourishment that strengthens the Spirit and revitalizes the body, and you are convinced that there is no comparable heritage that can give you the knowledge that this work contains.

15. In this word you found resurrection and life, and you turned to him, as the shipwrecked man does when he discovers a lifeboat.

16. Human life is like a storm, and you want to save yourselves from perishing by wars, unleashed passions and misfortunes.

17. You want to live in peace, longing for a world of justice, dreaming of the brotherhood of men, and therefore, when you hear my word, you discover in it the divine promise of that world which you long for You have gathered around this rallies to feel secure and prepared, and in the hope of coming to me purified by your good works.

18. I bless this generation that knew how to listen to me and believe in my rallies, as I will bless the coming generations who will offer their worship and worship with true spirituality

19. My teaching will be heard again by mankind, but not because my law has returned to men, for it was always written in their conscience. It will be men who return to the way of the law. This world will be an image of the lost son of my parable. Like him, she will also find the Father waiting for her on his estate, to embrace her with love and sit at his table to eat.

20. The hour of this mankind's return to me has not yet come, nor has any part of its heritage remained to it, which it will waste in feasts and amusements until it is naked, hungry and sick, and then raise its eyes to its Father.

21. From abyss to abyss man sank spiritually to the point of denying and forgetting me, to the extreme of denying himself, denying his essence, his Spirit.

22. Only my mercy will be able to spare men the pain of having to go the way again to return to me. I alone can provide in my love the means in the way of my children to discover the saving path.

23. Is not your heart filled with joy at the thought of having the Father's house before your eyes? Are you not shaken by the moral and spiritual tragedy in which the peoples of the earth live?

24. Alas, if only you had already understood the mission that you must accomplish in this time! How would you then care for your fellow men, and how would you then forget your own cares! But I see that you still have no idea of the gifts that each one of you possesses. How will you unite to make it known to mankind that salvation is near?

25. While the task of one is not that of the other, you must unite so that all may form in harmony a single "body "* and a single will, and thus, united in the fulfillment of my law of love, you will fight for a better world. How will you have the right to dream of a world of peace, harmony and brotherhood if you do not use your own means to achieve it?

* Here the body stands as a parable for the community.

26. You are not alone in the struggle, nor blind in walking, nor lack weapons to defend yourselves. I have made your Spirit comprehend the beauties of the spiritual life, have opened your spiritual vision for the future, have revealed to you the gifts and abilities that you carry within you, resting in the depths of your being.

27. I have removed from your mind that idea of uselessness, of ineptitude, awkwardness and wretchedness which you had formed of yourselves, so that you may understand that you can all be useful, and that you must all develop yourselves higher until you reach the home where your Father awaits you.

28. Some tell me: "Lord, why do you not allow us all to see You, like our brothers and sisters who testify that they see You?

29. O you weak hearts, who must see to believe! What merit do you find when you see Jesus in a vision in human form, even though your Spirit can perceive me unlimitedly and perfectly through love, faith and feeling in my divine essence? You do ill if you envy those who have the gift of limited vision of the spiritual in figures or symbols, for what they see is not, strictly speaking, the divine, but an allegory or a symbol that speaks to them of the spiritual.

30. Be content with your gifts, and fathom the testimonies which you receive, always seeking the meaning, the light, the instruction, the truth.

31. Carry your cross until the end with patience and surrender, then it will be my law that takes it off you when you come to the gates of that home which I have promised you where you will enjoy true peace At present you are still travelers, soldiers and fighters, who strive towards a high goal, who go to conquer a better homeland.

32. You are not alone in your struggle; man has never been, for I have always shown him the best way, have accompanied him and given him courage.

33. If any man should ask me how men were led before they knew the law of Moses, which he received from the Lord, I would answer him that before Moses I sent out all the Spirits with the law written in their conscience, so that all the acts of their lives might be pleasing to my divinity. Then I sent to the world spirits of great light, patriarchs and prophets, so that through their works they should teach all their fellow men the fulfillment of My law.

34. Those men honored me by their lives; they were not idolaters, for they already knew spiritualization, had the feeling of love and mercy for others, were ready to receive the stranger on their land and in their home. They were hospitable to the stranger and the weary traveler. They had good words and wise advice for all.

35. But not all men were led by the inner voice of their conscience. This requires spiritualization, and the senses of the flesh evade it. Therefore your Father had to make rallies among men in various forms to explain the law to them and to reveal the divine.

36. You, people, who hear my teaching in the Third Age and still keep some of the seed I entrusted to you in times past, understand that you must purify your hearts from selfishness and materialism, so that you may experience the happy moment when you will again orient your life according to the directions of your conscience, like those first enlightened ones, like Abraham, from whom the people descended who was at all times the trustee of all my revelations.

37. I want that when the time comes that my rallies end in the form in which you have them today, you will be equipped in such a way that every Spirit of those who form this community here will be like a temple to me, every heart a sanctuary, every home an altar, a father's house, hospitable and full of active charity. How deep will your peace be then, how strong will your heart be then, to emerge victorious from all trials.

38. The bread will be blessed not only by me, but also by you, because then you will have learned to prepare it with love, with faith, in an atmosphere of peace.

39. The spiritual grace with which I have given you is the seed of spiritualization. Whoever lovingly tends this seed in his heart will not become a victim of plagues or unleashed elements, nor will material hardships oppress him.

40. You shall not expect these days to come to you of their own accord. No, people, you must contribute by spiritualization to their coming, so that you may experience their wonders and be able to judge what the Spirit is capable of when he is able to rise above the mud, dust and filth of a materialized and unclean life.

41. Do not forget, O disciples, that spiritualization cannot permit fanaticism of any kind, idolatry or prejudice, for then it would no longer be spiritualization.

42.He who carries sincerity in his heart and seeks to honor me with the works of his life needs no meaningful cult forms to have the feeling of having fulfilled the commandments of his Father and Lord. On the other hand, he who feels in his heart the disturbance of the conscience that judges him eagerly demands rites and visible cult forms, because he falsely believes that through them he can be reconciled with his Father.

43. Be plain as the flowers and pure as the birds. Be transparent as the air and clear as pure water, then you will have attained that purity and exaltation which will make you know the truth of life.

44. Whoever should claim that my teaching is a danger to the material progress of mankind is committing a grave error. I, the Master of all Masters, show mankind the way to its upward development and to true progress. My Word does not only speak to the Spirit, it speaks to the mind, to reason, and even to the senses. My teaching not only inspires and teaches you the spiritual life, but it brings light to every science and to all paths. For my teaching is not limited to bringing all souls on the way to the home that is beyond this existence, it also reaches the heart of man and inspires him to lead a pleasant, dignified and useful life on this planet.

45. If I told you in the Second Time that my Kingdom is not of this world, I tell you today that yours is not here either, because this world, as you already know, is only a transition for man.

46. I teach you true life, which has never been based on materialism. Therefore the mighty of the earth will rise again against my teaching. I come to you with my eternal teaching, with my forever valid teaching, which consists of love, wisdom and justice. Nevertheless, it will not be understood immediately; humanity will condemn me again, will crucify me once more. But I know that my teaching must go through all this to be recognized and loved. I know that my fiercest persecutors will subsequently be my most faithful and renunciate sowers, because I will give them very great proofs of my truth.

47. That Nicodemus of the Second Age, a prince among the priests, who sought Jesus to speak to him about wise and profound teachings, will appear again at this time to diligently investigate my work and convert to it.

48. That Saul, called Paul, who - after having persecuted me with fierce anger - became one of my greatest apostles, will appear again on my way, and everywhere my new disciples will appear, some fervently, others denying themselves. The present hour is of great significance; the time of which I speak to you is drawing ever closer.

(4949. place daily - do they not speak to you of something that is coming towards you, do they not let you sense that a period of time is coming to an end and a new age is beginning to spread its light?

50. I only want you, the witnesses of my word in this time, to stand firm in the moments of trial that must precede the enforcement of my law. For my renewed manifestation among you will be like a hurricane, under the power of which the land and the seas, where this mankind dwells and moves, will be shaken and whipped up, so that they will spew out all that is unclean within them.

51. When these trials come, fear not, for when they come you will understand that the beginning of the end of a reign has begun, and the dawning of a new happier time is near.

52. Wickedness, injustice, pride, bondage, ignorance, and earthly power will fall to make way for the establishment of the reign of love, light, and peace among men. You will not waver nor let your lamp go out, even if you feel that the test is very hard and the cup you must drink is very bitter. On the contrary, you shall then light the flame of hope and kindle it, as the soldier in the turmoil of battle does when he feels that he is about to overcome the enemy and victory is near.

53. When you see yourselves surrounded by hostile crowds whose tongues hurl poison at you, do not doubt my promises; for in those moments I will make you feel my reassuring presence and make my loving voice heard, telling you anew, "I am with you.

54. You will then often experience how among those reds a heart will appear which understands you and which is like a shield for you But you will only achieve this if you put your trust and your faith in me.

55. Remember Daniel the prophet, that prophet, who so much defended his oppressed people in bondage in Babylon.

56. Let the battle come. You must again water with your love the seed which the Eternal One sowed in the Spirit of man. Let the weeds be cut down by the sickle of my righteousness and the fields be turned over so that they may be suitable for cultivation.

57. It is necessary to grant a few moments more to those who chase the goods of the world, so that their disappointment may then be complete, so that they may finally be convinced that the gold, power, titles, and pleasures of the flesh will never give them the peace and welfare of their Spirit.

58. The hour of self-examination in the light of conscience is drawing near for all mankind. At that time the scholars, theologians, scientists, the rulers, the rich, and the judges will ask themselves what the spiritual, moral, or material fruit was that they harvested and that they can give to men to eat. After this time, many will return to me because they realize that, despite the prestige they enjoyed on earth, they lacked something to fill the emptiness into which their soul had fallen, which can only be nourished by the fruits of spiritual life.

59. I have created an oasis for these souls in the midst of the desert; for I know that during their lives on earth they have knocked at one door after another and travelled one road after another - some in search of truth, others of power, still others of happiness. But at the end of the way they have gone through on earth, when they are ready to reject everything, I will let them rest in my bosom, I will comfort them and show them the true way, so that through it they may find the fields in which they can sow the fertile seeds of their experience.

60. The oasis is spiritual, to which people of all races will come on all sorts of desert paths - some tired, others full of wounds, greying, and many with empty walking sacks, ashamed of the barrenness of the struggle they had fought. There they will hear my voice, recognize it at once and cry out, "It is the Lord! With this sentence they will express the humility with which they will finally find me. For they will all have to reach me through their own merits.

61. That hour of infinite happiness, reconciliation, and humility will bring divine forgiveness also to the lost children who at last return to the father's house, in longing for him who gave them life and inheritance.

62. You have appointed this November day to commemorate the beings who departed into the hereafter. From the first dawn many souls rise in prayer for those whom they call their "dead. I tell you that it is very good that you remember them and have a thought of gratitude, love, admiration for them. But it is not good that you weep for them as if they were goods that you have lost, nor that you think them dead. For if you could see them in those moments when your eyes shed tears for them and your breast sighs for the sake of the departed, you would be amazed at the light that illuminates them and the life that flows through them. Then you would cry out, "Truly they are the living, and we are the dead!

63. Verily, you live wrongly when you shed tears in the face of a lifeless body, forgetting that its soul is full of pulsating and vibrating life.

64. If you were always connected by the bond of prayer with those who have passed over into spiritual life, instead of traditionally dedicating a day to them, their invisible but real presence in your life and their beneficial influence would be felt by you throughout your existence - in your struggles, in your trials, and also in your good times. And those beings, in turn, would have the opportunity to participate in your noble works and projects, whereby they would attain more light.

65. I once said, "Let the dead bury their dead," and if you get to the bottom of these my words carefully and lovingly, you will recognize how much reason I had to tell you this.

66. You all have the last image, the physical appearance of your beloved departed ones in your heart and before your eyes. You remember him as a child; you remember him as an old man who left this life in the old age according to his bodily shell, just as you remember him as an old man who left a body emaciated by pain or who died in the midst of an agonizing agony, always in this state. But it is necessary that you reflect on the difference between what is body and what is soul, so that you may understand that where man dies, the soul is born into a new life, where it no longer sees the light of the world, but the divine light, which illuminates the eternal life of the soul.

67. I once told you that man is idolatrous because of his inclination to material things, and in the cult for his dead he gives a striking example of his idolatry. But my teaching, like a dawn of infinite beauty, has risen in your lives and has dispelled the shadows of a long night of ignorance in which men have lived in error. And this light, ascending into infinity, as a divine star, will send out its most beautiful rays of light on your Spirit, in a preparation that will bring you with sure steps to enjoy that life into which you are all able to enter through your higher development.

68. You will no longer weep bitterly for those who have passed away and now have a better life, nor will you later weep as spirit beings for the sake of those whom you have left behind, or because you have left the body which has served you as a shell all your life

69. There are beings who suffer and fear when they experience the decay of the body they have loved so much But you are to be among those who send a song of thanksgiving up to their Creator when they see that the end of a task has come that had been taken over by that human body.

70. Today I forgive and pardon all your faults and at the same time show you one page of the divine book of life, where you can enlighten your Spirit and your mind to do works worthy of him who taught them to you

71. You are currently assuming a great responsibility to mankind, and the more teachings you receive from me, the greater will be this responsibility; for you are the people who are to speak to men of spiritualization. Among you I will leave the perfect way of communicating with me firmly rooted - without rites or idolatrous forms, simply from Spirit to Spirit.

72. This blessed seed, which is already in your hearts, will be the bread you shall share with your brothers and sisters, and it will also be the spiritual heritage you shall bequeath to your children.

73. When I told you, "Love one another," I did not mean to tell you that this should happen only among human beings, but also from one world to another. But now I tell you that - when you think of those of whom you say that they have passed away - you are not to imagine them far from you and also not without feeling. Do not love the dead, nor remember them as dead; you are to remember them only as living, because they live in eternity.

My peace be with you!


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